MVD Services For New Mexico

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Thursday Thanks: Weekends!

Thursday’s are great! Why, you ask? Thursday means you’ve made it more than 50% of the way through the week, and it also means there is still one more day to cram in those last minute projects that are due tomorrow! Be let’s not concentrate on the negative; it’s almost the weekend! The weekend is…

Notary Services at MVD Express

From time to time, you might need a way to certify official documents. When you need to prove the validity of these documents, you might call on the help of a notary. What is a Notary? A notary is a person who is authorized by the government to perform certain legal formalities, such as drawing…

Top 5 Things to Do in New Mexico

It’s no secret that we absolutely love New Mexico. So, if you’re just moving to the Land of Enchantment, welcome! We’re happy that you’re here and hope that you will love this state as much as we do. To immerse yourself in the culture of New Mexico, consider: Trying green chile. The New Mexico state…

Week 2 Winners: FREE Service Fee Contest

Congratulations! We have two winners of the FREE Service Fee Contest! Since no one answered last week’s riddle correctly, we decided to giveaway two this week! By random selection, here are the two lucky winners that answered the riddle correctly: Enrique Canales and Daniel Koffman The answer was vehicle registration! Stayed tuned on Monday for…

Thursday Thanks: Springtime!

Spring has sprung! The wind has calmed down and the sun is shining making the perfect condition for flowers and trees to continue blooming! Though we are extremely grateful for the vibrant colors and fluttering butterflies that come with budding flowers, many of us might be experiencing that dreaded word: Allergies! Enjoying the View Don’t…

Most Common Traffic Citations

Those flashing blue and red lights are never a fun sight to see, especially when you’re being pulled over for some reason. Do you know that there are some citations that are handed out more frequently than others? Three of the most ticketed violations across the United States include: 1.    Distracted driving. Texting, talking on…

Prepare for Bicyclists

As the weather heats up, more people want to get outside and enjoy the beautiful sunshine in New Mexico! That means more runners and, yes, bicyclists on the roads. Unfortunately, the risk for serious injury, even death, increases during the summer months due to the increase in number of bicyclists. As drivers, we have the…

Thursday Thanks: New Mexico State Parks

The weather has been so beautiful and warm these last few days. We’re so grateful for the warm weather and the opportunity to explore the multitude of state parks that New Mexico has to offer. No matter where you are in New Mexico, there’s a state park near you. Enjoy some awesome hiking, running, mountain…

Volunteer Recognition Week

From everyone here at MVD Express, to all the volunteers doing great work around New Mexico: YOU ROCK! Seriously. Keep up the amazing work that you do for our community every day. Without people like you, who give up your time for a cause you are passionate about, New Mexico wouldn’t be as amazing as…

Thursday Thanks: Snow!

Although we didn’t get much in Albuquerque, parts of New Mexico got a good dusting of snow last night. With temperatures staying pretty chilly today, there’s a chance that the dusting of snow could continue. This Thursday, we’re thankful for the bit of moisture that we’re getting here in New Mexico, even if it’s just…

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